Welcome to our Dungeons & Dragons link blog. If you've never heard of it, D&D is arguably THE greatest roleplaying game ever devised, inspired, or created. I've been a player and DM off and on for almost 30 years. Have been caught up in the supernatural and superlama hype of it all. Ultimately, you are responsible for everything you do in life, so if you play then you pay one way or another. Good game!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Som Tym Sun

Still waiting and hoping the Silver Legion will see some action som tym sun! Until then Cho is waiting with his quivering palm of fresh smelly kukai. He's a level 17 Monchichi loaded with magic up the yinyang. Just say the words and FurCho is there!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ethereal Vengeance

The Silver Legion returns with a vengeance next month! Gunthar, Terjon, and Cho are ready to kick ass and ask no questions!! They failed their Diplomacy roles. :(

Monday, January 05, 2009


D&D in 2009. That's what we're looking forward to! The continuation of the Steel Circle arc and the return of the Silver Legion. Dayum! makes me wanna go wee wee. :)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Return to Paradise

It was certainly a nice return to D&D gaming. The remaining core group of players finally resumed the Steel Circle campaign after a long 3 year hiatus. In spite of an official start time the session started late (nonetheless, it started).

Saturday's D&D session was hella fun. We were running some time after 2:30pm and wrapped up by 1:30am. Of course, gameplay was only part of it. About a 1/3 of the time was spent reviewing rules, storyline, and characters. Another 1/3 was devoted to work (since we started at work). The remainder took us well into the morning at my place.

The session was the first time in our D&D gaming history together to play outside of work. Deciding to potluck at my place turned out to be a nice diversion. There was lots of food and drinks - Bud Lime seems to go well with overeating. Overall, a very conducent environment for a D&D party.

To me, there was a lot of pressure to see this through. If there was no interest, I'd have called it quits, permanently. However, the long break seems to have built a strong appetite. Let's hope the hunger continues to build.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Absolutely no upgrade to version 4 of D&D. 3.5 works just fine plus none of us have the resources to spend on learning the new version or paying for the docs.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Another Update

We're way past playtime but for good reason. Lotta crap happened this year that seemed to zap the life out of the players. It's a long story so we'll move on.

Looking forward to playing again very soon. I've been assigned to host the next session but not a prob. As soon as I'm done the real adventure will begin.

By that time the air should clear, old wounds heal, and interest renew. If not, there's always other players and other groups.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Second Update

Word on the street is that the Silver Legion will be returning very soon. It was gonna be in April/May but shit happens and as it turned out, we really needed to take a crap.

I think now we'll be ready to rock. Right now there are only 4 of us left. Anyone interested in hooking-up, let us know asap. The party includes the following: Gunthar (Barbarian), Terjon (Rogue), Yngwie (Mage), Cho (Monk).

From what I heard, the last guy really kicks ass!! :)